Bylaws of the Upper Delaware River Chapter of the NCSP Inc.
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Article I – Title
2. This NCSP Chapter may at any time change its name by a vote of the membership.
3. This NCSP Chapter shall be a non-profit incorporated organization.
Article II - Purposes
The National Canoe Safety Patrol, Inc. (NCSP) has been organized to encourage and promote paddling safety by the following means:
Facilitate the exchange of safety knowledge.
Sharpen the safety skills of the membership through annual training.
Establish safe, professional standards of personal conduct.
Assist river management agencies, race organizers, and other safety organizations.
Provide a safety presence in cooperation with river management agencies.
Provide rescue and recovery assistance upon request.
Take the initiative in recognizing and implementing an appropriate response to local river safety needs.
Encourage volunteer participation in the above activities.
Article III - Structure
The NCSP primary charter is to serve within the Upper Delaware River Basin and areas determined by the NCSP.
The NCSP will be organized and will operate subject to the general provisions of the NCSP’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Changes in NCSP by-laws are subject to the approval of the NCSP Executive Board.
The NCSP will issue individual membership cards upon certification by the Executive Board as to class of membership and completion of training and/or renewal standards.
Article IV– Membership
Membership shall be open to all persons regardless of Race, Creed, Color, Gender, or National Origin.
NCSP policy is to develop paddling and rescue skills in the membership.
Membership is for one calendar year duration.
Membership privileges include voting, participation in meetings, and appropriate training opportunities.
Membership categories include Active, Junior, Honorary, Reserve, Probationary, and Auxillary.
Those with Active membership not maintained in good standing will be classified as reserve members upon payment of annual dues.
Responsibilities of an Active Member in good standing shall be established by the Executive Board.
Article V - Dues
Dues and initiation fees shall be established by the Executive Board.
Article VI - Meetings
An Annual Meeting, and election of Officers shall be held each fall. A business meeting should also be held in conjunction with the Spring Training program. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Commodore or by written petition. A notice of all meetings shall be mailed or e-mailed to all households on the Chapter roster.
Article VII - Officers & Elections
The Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary, Marketing Director, and Treasurer shall be elected by a majority vote at the Annual Fall Meeting.
The Chapter Training Director shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
Any Active member in good standing may submit nominations for election to office.
Floor nominations for an Office will be accepted at Chapter Annual Meetings.
The NCSP Commodore shall preside at all Annual Meetings and Executive Board meetings.
The NCSP Vice Commodore shall serve in the above capacity in the absence of the NCSP Commodore.
The NCSP Secretary and Treasurer shall be responsible for duties traditionally associated with their offices.
The NCSP Training Director shall be responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing training opportunities.
The Marketing Director shall be responsible for coordinating public relations and marketing.
Article VIII Executive Board
The business of The Upper Delaware River Chapter of the NCSP, Inc. shall be managed by the Executive Board.
The NCSP Executive Board shall consist of elected officers, the previous two commodores, and the Training Director.
Four members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Absentee ballots accompanied by position papers will be accepted.
Any Executive Board member may be removed from office for cause by a 3/4 vote of the Executive Board.
A report of removal or revocation must be sent to the Secretary within five days.
The Executive Board shall appoint all Committees.
Article IX Training
The Training Committee shall be charged with researching, coordinating, and providing training opportunities.
The minimum level of First Aid training and CPR training is required for all active members.
The minimum recommended level of River Rescue training is specified.
Members must complete the training requirements set forth by the training committee.
Article X NCSP Operations
The primary operations area of an NCSP Chapter will be determined by the Executive Board.
Additional operations will be conducted at races and events as determined by the Executive Board.
Members are expected to provide and maintain their own equipment at their own risk.
Operations will be conducted to maintain a position of safety for all members relative to their skill level.
Article XI Incentives
Members are encouraged to attend National training opportunities.
Certifications earned by members will be recognized by the National Canoe Safety Patrol, Inc.
Members with a long-term record of participation may be granted a leave of absence from annual training requirements.
Article XII Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings.
Article XIII Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the active members at any regular or special meeting.
All proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 20 days prior to a meeting.
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